Saturday, November 20, 2010

I love you, Mama!

Thank you for being the perfect answer to the often asked question "Who is your role model?". I am so blessed to have to look no further than my own home for the perfect example of how to live a fulfilling and God-fearing life as woman.  You are the best cuddler. You have the best style. You are the hardest working woman I know. You are full of integrity. You are wise. You are beautiful. You are generous. I could go on and on and on and on. You are ALL that and a bag of chips, as they say!

"Many women do noble things, but you surpass them all!" Proverbs 31:29

Today's YOUR day, Mama and  I hope it's perfect!!! Happy Birthday! I love you, I love you, I love you! Andddd I'm so very very thankful for you!

Y'all send sweet love her way today!!


P.S....Surely Dad made the Chick-Fil-A run this morning! Hope your Truett's friends put a candle in your breakfast burrito and didn't forget one of your 2 sweet&lows.

Thursday, November 11, 2010


Well I am blogging from an iPad.
I am leaving for Big Sur tomorrow and I am so so excited!
I love my new job...I work at an amazing dance studio now incase you didn't know. More on that lata.
My 12 year old brother just informed me and my sister that he knows where babies come from per the reproduction chapter in Science. And he quotes, "I made a hundred on the test". Kids say the darndest things.
Me, brother, and sissy are all three sitting on the couch together waiting on Mama and Daddy to come home.
God is so good to me. I feel so humbled that He has chosen me as a recipient of His provisions.
That's all for now.

Make a difference this weekend. Kenz

Monday, November 8, 2010


So supposedly I'm running a half marathon in Big Sur this coming Sunday. Supposedly the views are outrageous and just scream of God's glory. Pretttty pumped about this...assuming I make it all 13.1 miles without getting picked up.

Anywho, today I don't have to go into work for another half hour so I have had the morning to get stuff done. I figured a run mightttt be a good life choice. I'll be honest, I'm a little bit over the whole "running because I have to so I make it through this race" deal. Today though, I knew I had no other option. Anyone who runs, knows just like most things in life, some days are just bad and some days you are just "on it". I had my iPod, was dressed warm, laced up the Nikes, and just hauled down Peachtree. The fact that my chest was experiencing the brutality of the wind was irrelevant. Running by myself is usually not my forte, but today was awesome. I enjoyed just reveling in God's glory. I'm guilty of taking advantage of things like running through an amazing city on the perfect day. Today, I was made aware of how selfish that is. What a privilege!! This run, that I really had to talk myself into, turned into just good ol' time with Jesus.  God's good like that.

If I can find Him amidst the hustle and bustle of Atlanta traffic and Lenox Mall, I'm banking on straight goodness when I run the coast of Monterrey this weekend.

Hope you too, can revel in His glory today. It's all around, just up to us for the taking.

I'm off to carbo-load. (Not really, gotta go to the studio but I wanted to sound like a disciplined and hardcore runner)

Big Love,

Mama...Hope you are geared up to hand out jelly beans.
Daddy...Hope you have your master race-chasing skillz fine tuned.
Shel...I'm banking on your smile and hilariousness to get me through this thing.
Tripp...Will you run a part of it with me again, this time? Please?

And to my 2 partners in crime... Austin-I know you will probably run ahead since you have trained hardcore... but it would be more fun if you wouldn't because I'll need your comic relief. Patrick...I ran fast today so that I can keep up with your gazelle-like stride. KMSMMB. Glad we get to dominate the Cali coast together!


Thursday, November 4, 2010


Based on my blog template you can probably tell I love glitta (that's the swanky way to say glitter). How could you not love it? Besides the fact that when you use it for art projects it gets everywhere and stays there for-almost-ever, it's awesome. It's so fun and sparkly. It makes me envision dancing my heart out on a stage somewhere, audience or no audience, it doesn't matter. For those of you that know me, you know that would be one of my "happy places". Not to get all deep about the stuff you used to make Christmas ornaments in Sunday school at age 5 but think about glitter as a verb for a second. Glitter shines. According to Webster (this whole blog thing is cultivating quite a relationship between the two of us), it means to reflect light with a brilliant, sparkling luster. To get right down to it, I want my life to glitter (or glitta, whichever you prefer). But really, I do. I wanna make a difference in this world, just like glitter makes a difference on anything you dare to glue it too.

I would  not be telling the whole truth if I didn't admit to you that I have been called a "diva" before. I'm not sure how that is even possible considering a diva is a "highly distinguished female singer". We all know what happens when I attempt to sing. I've come to the conclusion that when I am referred to as a diva, the name-callers are referring to my girly, glitter-lovin', dramatic self. I can't help it that I like to be girly. Maybe I can help the fact that I'm ocassionallllly dramatic. That's beside the point. Today, I'll own that diva status though, because when I saw these shoes the first thing I thought was "DIVA" and you better belive they immediately got added to the Christmas list.

Take a minute. Soak in all of their glittery, diva glory. I love these shoes. For a glitter-lover, these are ideal. Annnndddd, when purchased, I will be supporting a good cause. Big thanks to  Tom's  for making my day and giving me inspiration to write a new post (as I know my readers were anxiously anticipating). Check 'em'll fall in love!

Boy, do I hope Santa Baby pulls through with these. More than that though, I pray I make a difference in this world. I want that more than anything. I love when God uses awesome, ordinary, earthly things to remind me of incredible, extraordinary, eternal treasures. "Let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven" Matthew 5:16.

Shine! Make 'em wonder whatcha got...

Monday, November 1, 2010


Life is full of them. As Tupac, himself, states, "That's just the way it is.". So wise, Tupac. SO.WISE. I'm pretttttty sure life always will be full of 'em. That's pretty exciting to me. I will say though, some of the changes I have gone through since graduating have been some of the hardest yet. Oddly enough, they have also been the most rewarding. These past few months I have felt myself growing's one of those "hurts so good" kinda things. Some big girl decisions and responsibilities have gotten me so down, while some occurrences in the past few months have made me the happiest girl in the world. Do I sound like a basket case yet? I'm going somewhere with this. I promise.

Here's the deal. I wouldn't give up the not-so-fun parts of "growing up" (the quotes imply the use of that phrase lightly) because of the pure Grace Jesus has showered over me. I get it just a little bit more. Do not hear me say I have it all figured out. I'm still so far, but I'm closer. God's Love is the one thing that hasn't changed and the one thing that isn't changing and the one thing that will never change. Read that sentence again. The warm fuzzies should set in. God's Love is the one thing that hasn't changed and the one thing that isn't changing and the one thing that will never change. Even when He feels far away because I have let trivial things rob my thoughts or have chosen to try to do "it" alone, He doesn't change. He's still the same.  Even when I think things couldn't get any better, He makes them better and reminds me they are from Him.

So...while everything else around me plays musical chairs, comes and goes, morphs into something else, gets harder, defies my know, changes....I am reminded by Paul,

"...just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, CONTINUE TO LIVE YOUR LIVES IN HIM, rooted and built up in him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness." (Colossians 2:6,7)

This is my only Hope. He makes the tough times joyfully bearable and amazing times unbelievable. I've realized that no matter what, if I just get on my knees and give up control it will Well, not even just ok, wonderful. So here's to embracing change amidst some of the greatest years of my life thus far. Bring it on, world. He's got my back.

Now, if I can only get this whole "living my life in Him" thing down, every second of my day...

BIG love,