Here's the deal. I wouldn't give up the not-so-fun parts of "growing up" (the quotes imply the use of that phrase lightly) because of the pure Grace Jesus has showered over me. I get it just a little bit more. Do not hear me say I have it all figured out. I'm still so far, but I'm closer. God's Love is the one thing that hasn't changed and the one thing that isn't changing and the one thing that will never change. Read that sentence again. The warm fuzzies should set in. God's Love is the one thing that hasn't changed and the one thing that isn't changing and the one thing that will never change. Even when He feels far away because I have let trivial things rob my thoughts or have chosen to try to do "it" alone, He doesn't change. He's still the same. Even when I think things couldn't get any better, He makes them better and reminds me they are from Him.
So...while everything else around me plays musical chairs, comes and goes, morphs into something else, gets harder, defies my know, changes....I am reminded by Paul,
"...just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, CONTINUE TO LIVE YOUR LIVES IN HIM, rooted and built up in him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness." (Colossians 2:6,7)
This is my only Hope. He makes the tough times joyfully bearable and amazing times unbelievable. I've realized that no matter what, if I just get on my knees and give up control it will Well, not even just ok, wonderful. So here's to embracing change amidst some of the greatest years of my life thus far. Bring it on, world. He's got my back.
Now, if I can only get this whole "living my life in Him" thing down, every second of my day...
BIG love,
This is great stuff here. I'm your biggest fan. No doubt.