Monday, December 13, 2010

a nugget of wisdom...


I am trying to process the week's events and discover their lessons.

I am thinking of milestones and miracles. Of temporality and timelessness.

I am thinking about how thin is the veil between two worlds.

How fragile and fleeting life is.

And how important it is to take the time to connect with the people you care about while you’re here… even though plans are often circumvented.

I'm thinking about how miracles happen even when our plans don't."
-Kim Arnold, author of one of my favorite blogs Margery Raves On.

Yes...I follow blogs of people I don't know. So what? This one in particular has been a life changer. The story behind how it came to be is miraculous. Just read it.

I love the truth that "miracles happen even when our plans don't". PRAISE THE LORD.

Here's to a new week...may I make it all God wants it to be!

Go M.A.D. (make a difference) this week.

BIG love,

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